Sunday, August 15, 2010

the cliffhanger that i love

, originally uploaded by magic is mine.

as a couple, we have been through tumultuous times, because he is a cliffhanger, and i am more a hugger. we are now sharing a sweet, but somewhat flimsy apartment by the sea and we are keeping each other warm and happy. i have grown a beard for cliffhanging behaviors.

i am so looking forward to summer times here, then i can proudly invite people over to this side of the river.

keywords for the month:


When i leave myself enough time to enjoy public transport rides, i really love it. slow stroll on melbourne trams, high school students, simple gratitude towards the person driving me. then then i start to miss rides in double decker buses in London, you get to see so much details up there.


Tiffany said...

Hello there!

Met you at the North Melbourne market this morning, I was the girl that collects cute stickers too :D Thanks for the stickers in your business card - too cute!! Your drawings are gorgeous, wish I could find my new moleskines to start doodling again.. :)

Take care!!

pearl* said...

May! its Pearlyn... back in sg after sydney n loving my purse of osaka sky... it was so nice to talk to you again... bea-u-tifull illustrations!